New Tools and Panties

Well the Autumn is upon us and so work has picked up slightly, en suite floor has been tiled with underfloor heating – OF COURSE !! and the boys computer room is finished. Oh and there was the little matter of Tony and I stripping ALL the plaster off downstairs and then spray painting the whole house with bitumen. I mean it only took 12 man days labour, a skip, broken back and the purchase of one of the finest tools I’ve ever owned – The COMPRESSOR

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How have I  ever managed without being able to spray paint tar at the drop of a hat, blow bicycle tyres up and blow crap off things at 8 psi? I mean seriously, balloon blowing is going to be a totally different game, this Christmas.Picture 006

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Of course the building inspector tried to break my spirit with the whole bitumen thing, but he just gave me a reason to buy another tool and because we saw the house with all the plaster off, we now have a very cool stone wall in the kitchen, so yah boo sucks to him – every cloud.

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The title of the piece also refers to our other new tool THE CHAINSAW, technically we don’t actually need one, BUT again, how have I ever managed without one? Mr P was very generous in giving me one of his old ones and after the special Fairburn Fettle, it was up and ready for ZOMBIE killing within the afternoon.

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Now the reason we need new Panties is because I spent the kitchen money on a ………………………….. you guessed it – A MOTORCYCLE

Well lets call it a death missile shall we 🙂

In my defence its very Shiny!

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My proudest moment though in the last couple of weeks was turning an ebay bargain wardobe £60 into fitted wardrobes, with sliding doors in the spare room. Which might not seem that impressive to you, but it was a days work and compliments the decor so there.

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